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Liquid Sulphur
General Characteristics

Liquid sulphur is a viscous liquid of yellowish brown colour. It is produced by burning of hydrogen sulphide at the Claus Units.


Quality parameter ​Unit ​Limit Value
Sulphur conten​​t ​% wt. ​min. 99,9
Ash content ​% wt. ​max. 0,05
Bitumen content  ​% wt. ​max. 0,02
Acidity ​% wt. ​max. 0,02
​Water content ​% wt. ​max. 0,2​0

Liquid sulphur is used in sulphuric acid production and for other technical purposes.

Packaging, Storage, Transportation
Liquid sulphur is supplied in rail tankers that must be equipped with heat-insulation protection equipment made of difficult-to-ignite material and ROVs. Liquid sulphur transportation, handling and storage must comply with respective legal regulations.

Transport Sign
RID/ADR: 4.1/15
UN: 2448
Kemler: 44

symbol - křížek
R 36/37/38
S 26-36/37/39



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Business Conditi​ons

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2023  ​


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